This version of “Three Sisters” undergoes a completely new deconstruction based on the classic work “Three Sisters” by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, incorporating the real-life stories of Chekhov and his sister Maria. The plot revolves around Maria, the train conductor who has lived in this world for 94 years, and the various experiences she and her fellow passengers encounter aboard the train, where rose petals are scattered all over. Like the characters in the play, who yearn for happiness that never seems to arrive, they too can only hope and wait as the petals fall, reminiscent of the perpetual anticipation of an elusive happiness…
As the train sets off and Maria checks tickets, each passenger’s story unfolds: Who are they? Where do they come from? Where are they heading?
Amidst the sudden emergency brake, passengers panic… What has happened? Can the train continue its journey? Will the train, bound for happiness, ultimately reach its destination of happiness…