“The Seagull,” which Chekhov described as a four-act comedy, unfolds on a rural estate and tells the tale of several misaligned love affairs. Kostya, a young man with aspirations of becoming a writer, is the son of an actress. He admires Nina, a girl who dreams of stage glory and the joy of love. Kostya’s debut play, performed on a small platform by the lake, ends in failure amid his mother’s mockery. Nina, who plays the lead role, falls in love with Kostya’s mother’s lover, the famous writer Boris, and follows him to Moscow. Meanwhile, Masha, the housekeeper’s daughter, silently loves Kostya but ends up marrying a common teacher. Two years later, Kostya’s mother and Boris return to the estate for a vacation, and Nina, who has lost her child, also returns, leading to a poignant reunion with Kostya.